Thursday, 4 December 2014

Alternate Solution

So Wednesday came and went and we had our independent building inspector review our Frame. It was a fairly detailed inspection and while some defects where discovered, they where all relatively minor and rectifiable. Nicole will post another blog entry with some photos and details about it.

The frame is a credit to Porter Davis and our Site Supervisor for maintaining a high quality build and level of commitment with our biggest actual frame issue being a missing noggin near the meter box.

The night before the inspection it had rained lightly where sparked a conversation with our building inspector about water proofing. I was asking questions about process about roof installation and gutters when the inspector explained to us that a few of the large volume builders (inc PD) have started implementing alternate solutions for wet areas.

Essentially a clause in the our contract - see below

This alternate solution was never actually fully discussed with us at our appointments but essentially it allows Porter Davis to have a surveyor sign off on a solution that essentially replaces waterproofing in the wet areas with water resistant products.

Essentially leaving it up to the owner to ensure maintenance of the the wet areas is completed yearly to ensure no water seeps through the cracks literally. So when using the wet areas for their functionality, such as showering or a bath, if you get water on the ground, you need to clean it straight away.

Here is a copy of the solution.

The solution itself is a generic solution that isn't house specific from what I can tell. So in my case it doesn't factor in the changes made to my master ensuite shower for example.

What annoys me the most is that water proofing wet areas, especially upstairs to me seems like it should be standard practice (well it is based on the AS 3740 building standard), unless you provide a alternate solution. It just feels like the alternate solution is blatant cost cutting rather then actually providing a viable solution to ensure their homes have lasting quality and longevity.

I'd rather sacrifice those little chinaman hat light fittings (thats what they are called!!!) then the waterproofing of my bathrooms.

Now technically speaking, PD or any other builder providing the solution isn't doing anything wrong. However I feel that it compromises the quality of their homes in such a way that has provoked me to write such a lengthy post.

If nothing I hope at least this post makes future buyers at PD or any other builder aware of the option to upgrade if anything!

So far in my case PD have been wonderful to deal with and I'm very happy with how the build is progressing, I look forward to seeing my home with its roof on and gutters before work finishes this year! Otherwise.... you know the non water proof flooring might become water logged and swell :P

Monday, 1 December 2014

Framing almost complete

Went to the block today to find the roof trusses almost complete! We have our building inspector going out Wednesday morning as mentioned to go over the framework to make sure it is all to code - hopefully he wont find anything too major.

Today I was a bit game and I ventured up the ladder and took a few photos of upstairs - it is going to be so great, the view from up there of the golf courses was just beautiful, I can't wait to sit on our terrace and enjoy the view :)

They had also removed a supporting beam from around our back window so I could take a snap of the view we will be getting once the window is placed in our dining area:

We also noticed that our front door frame and laundry door (we think) frame had been delivered. To us the front door frame looks shorter than what it should be - hopefully we are wrong but we will get it checked as we opted for a higher door - 2.34m as we had raised our ceiling heights downstairs and also raised the door heights to match.

Lastly here are a few more photos of our upstairs :) The next post will most likely be about what our building inspector finds - until then enjoy!

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